Arrival and Departure


Staff supervision of students begins at 7:30 a.m. For safety reasons, no students are to arrive at school before 7:30 a.m.

Student Drop Off

Adults delivering children to school should leave them inside the gates on 39th street, Epsilon street or Birch street only. Do not leave children younger than 2nd grade to walk to their classrooms for safety reasons walk them to their lines. There is no public parking on campus during school hours.

Infant, Preschool, and Kindergarten: Parents/guardians may drop off students at their classrooms. Following drop-off, school starts promptly so families should leave campus after drop-off.
Grades 1-5: All students should go to their designated areas to line up -- not to their classroom. Supervision is provided in the areas of the cafeteria, the blacktop and high-traffic points on campus.


Students are dismissed promptly at 2:05 p.m. (12:10 p.m. on Wednesdays) and should leave campus immediately upon dismissal. Students who ride the bus to and from school will leave shortly after dismissal.

Student Pick Up

Please meet your child at his/her classroom line. Please ensure the safety of all students by not parking in the bus loading area and/or asking your child to cross the street without supervision. The school"s main concern is for the health and safety of your children.

Specific dismissal procedures vary by grade level, as indicated below:

Kindergarten: Students are dismissed from the classroom area by their teacher upon seeing a responsible adult or older sibling. Older siblings must come to is the Kindergarten yard to pick up younger siblings.
Grades 1-3: Teachers walk all students to the ARBOR area by the cafeteria. All students must be picked up at the ARBOR or designated lines whether they walk home with an older sibling or are picked up by an adult.
Grades 4-6: Teachers dismiss students from their lines and they are to leave campus via the front entrance. If they are responsible for a younger student, they must go to the line to pick them up and then promptly head home.
PrimeTime Extended Day Program Students: All PrimeTime and licensed day care program students are dismissed from their classrooms and sent to Rooom 119 for check in. Kindergarten students are picked up at their classrooms by a PrimeTime staff member and walked to the classroom.
Bus Students: All buses park in the loading/unloading zone at Birch Street. All bus students and space-available riders will line up at riders walked to by teachers to Birch by the appropriate route sign and wait to be called to their bus by a staff member.

If you are more than 10 minutes late to pick up a student, please go to the front office. You may be asked to provide identification. Please review the Visitors Policy page for additional information.

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